Saturday, March 9, 2024

Embracing Responsibility To Restore Life’s Harmony

Life unfolds in mysterious ways, and the events we encounter are often the outcomes of our past actions. The interplay between cause and effect forms the essence of our existence. Whether you believe in karma, divine intervention, or universal laws, there are different ways to interpret the sequence of events that shape our existence. Let’s explore three perspectives on how life’s sequelae come into play:

1. The Blueprint of Incarnation

Since I have been a Past Life Regression (PLR) Theapist for very long, I can say this with some authority. Before we embark on our earthly journey, we participate in crafting a rough blueprint for our life. Imagine it as a cosmic design—a roadmap that outlines the major milestones, challenges, and opportunities we will encounter. This blueprint is not etched in stone; rather, it provides a framework for our experiences.

When we take physical form, we step onto the stage of life with this blueprint in hand. Our choices, actions, and interactions align with this preconceived plan. Every decision we make contributes to the unfolding story of our existence. Whether we realize it or not, we are co-authors of our destiny. Embracing this perspective allows us to acknowledge the interconnectedness of our past, present, and future, and the profound influence of our predestined path.

2. Action and Reaction: The Universal Balance

The principle of cause and effect governs the universe. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Just as planets follow their prescribed orbits, our actions set off a chain of consequences. Whether we plant seeds of kindness or sow discord, the universe responds accordingly.

Imagine a cosmic ledger where our deeds are recorded. Positive actions accumulate goodwill, while negative actions create debts. The balance sheet of life reflects our karmic account. When we encounter challenges or blessings, they are the echoes of our past choices. The universe maintains equilibrium, ensuring that justice prevails—though we don’t always perceive it.

3. Divine Justice: Surrendering to Higher Guidance

For those who believe in a higher power, the concept of divine justice offers solace and guidance. It is believed that a benevolent force oversees the intricate tapestry of our lives, bestowing rewards or consequences based on our actions. In this paradigm, acceptance and surrender become pillars of spiritual growth, as we trust in the wisdom of divine providence. By embracing accountability and seeking redemption, we open ourselves to the transformative power of grace and mercy.

Yet, personal responsibility remains crucial. When adversity knocks on our door, we can choose our response. Instead of blaming external forces, we can ask, “How did I contribute to this situation?” Acceptance becomes the first step—a powerful acknowledgment that we co-created our reality. From this point, we can seek solutions, learn, and evolve.

Embracing the Journey

Regardless of our perspective—whether we see life as a blueprint, a cosmic balance, or a divine play—the key lies in acceptance. Acceptance serves as the gateway to inner peace and harmony. When challenges arise, we can pause and say, “I brought this into my life. How can I navigate it with grace?” The universe responds to our intention. It conspires to bring the necessary tools, insights, and opportunities to restore peace and harmony within us.

By acknowledging our role in shaping our reality, we reclaim responsibility for our experiences. Instead of succumbing to victimhood or resentment, we empower ourselves to initiate positive change and navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace.

So, dear traveller, embrace the journey. Trust that the sequelae of your actions hold valuable lessons. As we embark on the quest for inner peace and harmony, let us remember that the universe conspires in our favour, guiding us towards fulfilment and enlightenment. The universe whispers, “You are never alone.”  

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Coping With Sudden Loss: A Journey Out Of Depression


The Tragic Loss

Last year, our close friend, in his forties, endured a profound tragedy when his beloved wife passed away unexpectedly. It was a normal afternoon; they had just finished lunch together as a family. Little did they know, it would be their last meal together

After lunch, she proceeded to the kitchen to tidy up, leaving behind her husband and teenage children. In a matter of moments, the mundane act of clearing plates turned into a heartbreaking scene. She collapsed suddenly, never to rise again. The suddenness of her passing left her husband and children in a state of shock and disbelief.

The Devastation of Loss

Their relationship had been one of love and companionship, a bond that seemed unbreakable. Her husband, understandably, was devastated by the sudden and inexplicable loss. The pain of her absence permeated every aspect of his life, casting a dark shadow over his days.

As a spiritual/Reiki healer I knew that if he learnt Reiki and did daily self-healing, he could slowly come out of the dark cloud of depression engulfing him. But he was in no mental condition to even do that. The fact that people around expected him to be in deep grief added to the situation

The Struggle to Heal

Despite our efforts, his progress towards healing was slow and arduous. The weight of his grief seemed insurmountable, dragging him deeper into despair with each passing day. It was a painful sight to witness someone we cared for so deeply, grappling with the overwhelming burden of loss.

Breakthrough with HRA Therapy

Then I got trained in Hidden Resource Activation (HRA) therapy. HRA is an innovative approach to healing that delves into the depths of one's subconscious mind to unearth unresolved issues and traumas. Intrigued by its potential, our friend decided to give it a try, desperate for any glimmer of hope.

The Transformation

To our amazement and relief, the HRA session proved to be a turning point in his healing journey. Through introspection and guided therapy, he confronted his deepest fears and pain, gradually releasing the emotional shackles that bound him. It was a cathartic experience, one that liberated him from the suffocating grip of grief.

A Glimpse of Light

The following day, a remarkable transformation occurred. Instead of drowning in sorrow, we heard him laugh—an echo of joy amidst the darkness of loss. It was a poignant reminder that healing is indeed possible, even in the wake of profound tragedy.

I was happy and relieved for another aspect too. His grieving for his wife was hindering her soul’s onward journey. I know this too well because I am a Past Life Regression Therapist.

The sudden loss of a loved one can shatter our world, leaving behind a trail of grief and despair. Yet, amidst the darkness, there exists a glimmer of hope—a beacon of light that guides us through the darkest of nights. Through spiritual healing and transformative therapies like HRA, we can navigate the complexities of loss, finding solace, and healing along the way. As our friend's journey demonstrates, even in the depths of despair, there is always the possibility of renewal, of laughter, and of life beyond the pain.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Art of Hypnotizing Your Husband: A Journey of Connection and Trust

Attempts in vain

Since the time I got into hypnosis in 2008, I have been trying to hypnotize my husband. When I start looking into his eyes, he will avert his eyes and start laughing loudly. On Feb 17th 2024, we were sitting after lunch at the Hornbill festival. There was still time for the next presentation to start. I tried again to hypnotise him.

 He commented, “It is written in books that one should not try to hypnotize close relations.” I countered with, “That is only in the initial stages of learning. I am a well established hypnotist now. Why don’t you please trust me and let it happen?”

He then challenged me, "If you really want to hypnotise me, do that for 5 minutes and when I come out, I should feel that I had an afternoon nap of half hour." And I took his challenge!

About hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and deep relaxation. It involves bypassing the critical factor of the conscious mind to access the subconscious, where suggestions can be accepted more readily. While hypnosis is often associated with entertainment or therapy, it can also be a powerful tool for personal growth and relationship enhancement.

Hypnotizing someone, especially your spouse, can be an intriguing and fulfilling experience. It requires patience, understanding, and trust between partners.

The Power of Consent, Trust, and Rapport

Consent is paramount in any hypnotic session, especially when hypnotizing a loved one. Without genuine consent, the process can lead to discomfort and resistance.

Trust and rapport are foundational elements of effective hypnosis. Establishing a safe and comfortable environment allows the hypnotized individual to relax and open up to suggestions.

Meeting the Challenge

With determination and a desire to connect with my husband on a deeper level, I accepted the challenge. Drawing upon my understanding of hypnosis and the power of suggestion, I guided him into a state of deep relaxation and suggestibility. I gave the suggestion that he will go into a deep relaxing sleep for five minutes and then would wake up by himself, with a feeling that he had his usual afternoon nap for half hour.

Success and Connection

As the minutes passed, he entered a trance-like state, receptive to my gentle suggestions. It was so satisfying, fascinating experience to watch his face. I could sense him going into a deeply relaxed state, falling into a wonderful sleep! When he emerged from the hypnotic state, he felt refreshed as though he had enjoyed a half-hour nap in just five minutes. The success of the session not only demonstrated the power of hypnosis but also deepened our bond through shared experience and mutual trust.

Hypnotizing a loved one, particularly a reluctant spouse, requires patience, skill, and most importantly, consent. By fostering trust, open communication, and a willingness to explore new experiences together, couples can unlock the transformative potential of hypnosis to deepen their connection. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Daily Reiki Self Healing – A Must For Every Reiki Practitioner


Garima (name changed) who learnt Reiki from me about 15 years back visited me recently. Though she told she is still into Reiki and had started to heal others on a daily basis, I couldn't sense that in her aura.

In pursuit of Reiki degree

She had gone to Bangalore for her graduation and since she wanted to go ahead with Reiki, she took her Reiki IIIA from a Reiki Master there. To my question whether she practices daily self healing, she told, " My Reiki Master who attuned me to Reiki IIIA told me that I am a very powerful healer now, so I have to just sit and think of the chakra points. There is no need to pass on the healing energy to all the points as I was doing earlier." That explained to me the situation.

Let’s check the energy level

I took out my pendulum and showed her that there was no energy movement in her chakras except one, and a very slight presence in another. Then I showed the pendulum movement on my chakra points (I do everyday healing in the morning and evening).

Saying that you don't have to do proper daily self healing is like, “You have been eating for so many years, and are very well built and strong now. From tomorrow, don't take regular food; take one tablet at each meal time."

Even a Reiki Grand Master need to do daily hands on self healing every single day. This is more crucial if one is healing others. This came clear after her statement," I take up only three clients a day and after each healing, I feel so nice and energetic." When we are healing others, the energy is entering our crown chakra and going down to the Heart chakra, and then flows through the hands to the client. If we have not done our self healing and thereby balanced our chakras, first the energy will go to those points in our body. That self healing and balancing was making her feel so nice and energetic.

Needless to say that the amount of energy going to the client will be much less than that which a Reiki channel with balanced chakras can provide. 

The Golden Truth

This is a very important lesson for all Reiki practitioners to remember. Daily self healing is crucial in maintaining a balanced energy system. It is not enough to simply rely on our attunements or past experiences to sustain us. Regular self healing practices help to clear any blockages in our chakras and keep our energy flowing smoothly. It is through this self care that we are able to be most effective in helping others to heal! 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Ram Bhakt Hanuman

Ram Lalla's consecration on 22nd January has raised the collective consciousness of the world at large, and specifically for India. We were travelling back from Hyderabad to Belgaum that day. On the way when we stopped at our farm, a monkey was playing on the trees. On reaching back home, I noticed a monkey walking on our terrace for about five minutes. As one who worships Lord Ram, I believe that his presence and blessings were manifesting through these monkey sightings.

In Hindu mythology, monkeys are often associated with Lord Hanuman, an ardent devotee of Lord Ram. 

It is said that Hanuman took the form of a monkey to assist Lord Ram in his quest to rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon king, Ravana. Therefore, the appearance of monkeys can be seen as a divine sign and a symbol of Lord Ram's presence.

The fact that I witnessed monkeys twice, at our farm, and at home, on the day of consecration of Lord Ram's idol further reinforces my belief in the significance of these sightings. It is as if Lord Ram's divine energy was not confined to the temple but permeated the entire journey and even my personal space.

To me, these incidents are not mere coincidences but a part of a grander, divine plan. They serve as reminders of the omnipresence and divine intervention in our lives. As a devotee, I interpret these occurrences as blessings and signs of Lord Ram's grace.

In conclusion, while skeptics may view these events as mere coincidences, I firmly believe that there are no coincidences in life, especially when it comes to matters of faith. The monkey sightings on the day of Ram Lalla's consecration were meaningful and significant to me personally, reaffirming my unwavering devotion. 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Cats and Egypt


A gift from the cat

Today morning when my husband and I were moving around in front of our house, a cat came towards us carrying a rat, it left the rat near us and ran away. I was telling about this to my daughter when she said, “Oh my God, do you know that cats give gifts to humans?” I had absolutely no idea. I have seen cats behaving differently in Egypt and after we came back, the cats around our house are behaving in a totally different way with us. I wanted to write an article on this today and when daughter gave me this information I thought I can add this if found true.

So I did a search on the net and I was totally taken aback to find it to be true! When a cat brings you an animal they caught, they consider you a part of their family. Their instincts are telling them this is what they need to do to survive and that they need to pass these important, life-saving skills onto their family.

Moving around and relaxing in groups

While exploring Egypt, I was surprised to see cats moving in groups. In India we see this behaviour in dogs, but I have never seen it among cats. While visiting an artisan’s place in Nubian village, I saw many cats sitting around, relaxing. They were not bothered as we sat next to them. 

Even while visiting monuments, cats will be relaxing or moving around very comfortably among the tourists.

Different behaviour of cats at home

On coming back from Egypt we found a distinct difference in the cats’ behaviour to us. One day we saw a cat sitting on the parapet in front of our house. It had the air of owning this house. It was sitting with eyes closed, when we made some sound, it looked at us, then closed eyes again! Another day, two cats were sitting near the gate, and they would just stay put when we open the gate and come in.

Cats – Magical creatures

Egyptians believed cats were magical creatures, bringing good luck to the people who housed them. These treasured pets were honoured by wealthy families, they were adorned with jewels and fed with treats fit for royalty. When the cats died, they were embalmed, coffined and buried in cat cemeteries, or mummified. On the death of a household cat, the entire neighbourhood mourned for it. The cat was embalmed and mummified and usually buried along with their masters.

 According to Egyptian mythology, Gods and Goddesses had the power to transform themselves into different animals. Only one Goddess named Bastet, had the power to become a cat and a beautiful temple was built in the city of Per-Bast, where people came from all over to experience its splendour.  The Egyptian goddess Bastet had the head of a cat and the body of a woman.

In Ancient Egypt, civilians would suffer severe punishment if they hurt a cat. From at least the year 450 BC if anyone even hurt a cat, the punishment was death. Through their ubiquitous presence in the art, fashion and home ornamentation of ancient Egypt, cats served as an everyday reminder of the power of the gods. Cats were drawn on walls, on ceilings, carved out of stones, sculpted on amulets and painted on clothes.

Cleopatra loved cats

Cleopatra loved cats, and it is claimed that her pet was an Egyptian Mau, one of the first domesticated cats in the world. “Mau” is the sound of the cat and perhaps an ancient Egyptian word. They are spotted short-haired cats with green or amber eyes and tend to be very friendly and loyal.

The cat culture continued for centuries, until 30 AD when Egypt became a part of the Roman Empire. Several pagan rituals were banned by the Romans in the following centuries, thus cat worshipping and religion grew apart. Since then, the affection and significance for cats declined.



Monday, November 6, 2023

Nile, Me, and the Messages

Spending three nights on the river Nile during cruise was a great spiritual experience for me. While in Sudan for a professional visit years back, we stayed in a hotel overlooking River Nile, and it captivated me then too. On October 13, 14, and 15, I was sitting in our cabin, and looking at the river Nile, absorbing the energy and doing my meditation.  

I'll take off the dark energies

On the first day of meditation, I got a comparison of  river Ganges and Nile. The white frothy water of Ganges had filled me up with bubbling positive energy. Nile told me, "I am different. I am dark water, will remove darkness from you, by taking off all the unwanted energies". I could literally feel that happening. 
Later I came to know from the internet that 59% of the water that reaches Egypt originates from the Ethiopian highlands via the Blue Nile. White Nile and Blue Nile are two tributaries of the Nile that flow from the south into what is referred to as the Nile proper, the longest river in the world. 

Lord Hanumanji and Manasa Devi are here

That was the second message, I thought, 'What?' Then the revelation slowly dawned. I had seen baboons carved in stone during the tour.  They are some of the world's largest monkeys. In ancient Egypt, baboons and monkeys often played a significant and mysterious role in religion and elsewhere.This somehow seems strange, as there are certainly no native monkeys or baboons to Egypt. However, it is clear that prehistoric Egyptians of the fourth millennium BC were familiar with monkeys, including the imposing and dangerous baboons and the African long-tailed monkey. Since that time, they have held a permanent place in ancient Egyptian religion as one of the more important animal forms into which the gods might be transformed. So yes, representatives of Hanumanji are present in Egypt. 

Manasa devi is the snake goddess who is worshipped in India in some regions. Mansa is regarded as the sister of the Nāga (serpent) Vasuki. She is also believed to be the daughter of Lord Shiva in his human incarnate. Manasa devi is said to be the mind daughter of sage Kashyapa and kadru. I do chant her mantra since some time. Manasa devi in Egypt? Then it struck me, I had seen medusa in some carvings in Egypt.

Medusa is generally described as a human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Those who gazed into her eyes would turn to stone. She was beheaded by the Greek hero Perseus, who then used her head, which retained its ability to turn onlookers to stone, as a weapon until he gave it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield.

Some suggest that the origins of the character Medusa may be rooted in the Egyptian Cobra Goddess Wadjet. Depicted as a snake-headed woman or a cobra she was associated with the land as matron and protector of Egypt; of kings and of women in childbirth. Thus my intellectual mind was satisfied from the revelations during meditation!
